Mach3 Downloads


At this time we only have screen sets available in 1920 x 1080. These screen sets can be used on other screen sizes, though the resolution can suffer slightly when the screen is auto-resized. We plan to produce more screen sizes, so feel free to make requests here.

Choose your screen size and selected DRO block. Unzip the downloaded file into your Mach3 directory.


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Update V2.1.0

This download is a zip file containing only the scripts necessary to update from V2.0.0 to V2.1.0.

Update Only V2.1.0Details

1920 x 1080 Screen Sets

Version 2 has been updated to use tool length offset for setting tool height.

If you have already installed V2.0.0 and are looking to update, please download the update zip above. If you are installing RapidChange for Mach3 for the first time, please download the appropriate full package below.


DRO’s 1500-1530 V2.1.0Details
DRO’s 1600-1630 V2.1.0Details
DRO’s 1700-1730 V2.1.0Details
DRO’s 1800-1830 V2.1.0Details
DRO’s 1900-1930 V2.1.0Details


DRO’s 1500-1530 V2.0.0Details
DRO’s 1600-1630 V2.0.0Details
DRO’s 1700-1730 V2.0.0Details
DRO’s 1800-1830 V2.0.0Details
DRO’s 1900-1930 V2.0.0Details


DRO TestDetails
Updated on February 7, 2024

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