RapidChange For Mach3 Update V2.1.0 – Scripts Only
This download is a zip file containing only the necessary scripts to update a previously installed RapidChange For Mach3 V2.0.0. The update alters the tool offset workflow. Instead of resetting work Z upon a tool touch off, V2.1.0 records and applies a tool length offset to each tool, adjusting appropriately so that work Z is retained between tool changes.
If you already have V2.0.0 installed simply unzip this download into your Mach3 root directory (C:Mach3). Perform a “Set Tool Offset” with the current tool, and then set your work Z. Subsequent tool changes will automatically adjust according to tool length offset. When you are ready to set a new work Z, just make sure you are in proper G43 H[current tool] mode and you are good to go.
Size: 6 KB
Version: v2.1.0
Published: December 6, 2023